Geography: Global
Founded: 1979
Address:Murgwi Estate
PO Box 6345
Harare, Zimbabwe
Humana People to People has placed itself in the frontline of development and shoulder to shoulder with the Poor in the fight for change where this fight goes on in the everyday. Being part of civil society in many countries has earned the Humana People to People organizations a solid reputation of seriousness in development work and given extensive experience in implementing programs of many different kinds and under difficult conditions, in making things happen and in doing what it takes to reach goals.
Humana People to People organizations have been active for up to 32 years with long-term development projects within Training, Agriculture, the Fight against HIV, Community Development, Environmental Issues and Economic Development.
The combined efforts of Humana People to People organizations in Europe, North-America, Africa, Asia and Latin America have resulted in more than 360 development projects being implemented in 2011, reaching 12 million people and employing 9000.