Geography: United States
Founded: 1978
Address:1001 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036
Each year, PLEN brings women students from colleges and universities across the country to Washington, D.C. for a weekend, week, or an entire summer to experience first-hand how public policy is shaped and implemented at the national level.
Students meet with and learn from women leaders making and influencing public policy at the highest levels in the Congress, courts, federal agencies, corporate sector, policy research and advocacy organizations and the news media.
PLEN’s programs include: Women & Science/Technology Policy; Women & Congress; Women & Public Policy; Women & International Policy; Women, Law & Public Policy and a Public Policy Summer Internship Program.
Through exposing college women to role models and skill trainings before they enter the workforce, PLEN seeks to increase the number of women in top leadership positions influencing all aspects of the public policy process.