Associação Vidança Companhia de Dança do Ceará
Education, Health and Well-Being, Economic Opportunity
Geography: Ceará, Brazil
Address:Avenida L, 761 - Conjunto Nova Assunção -Vila Velha
Barra do Ceará, Fortaleza/CE
60347-800 Brasil
About the Associação Vidança Companhia de Dança do Ceará (The Dance Company)
Cia Vidança uses dance to provide impoverished populations with art. Art has immense strength in its power to help audiences see beyond social suffering. Dance emancipates the human body from its form and function; dance and its message of creative movement help people live in the face of suffering.
The Dance Company, founded by the School of SESI (Social Service of Industry), is both a corps de ballet and a group of educators. It continues the work of teaching dance, starting in the neighborhood of Barra do Ceará but has expanded to meet the needs of children and adolescents in particular given the development of extensive social difficulties for Brazilian youth. The growing issue requires attention be paid to individuals' specific needs but also to the complex needs of communities as a whole. The Dance Company uses dance to encourage higher education and instil the importance of financial and social responsibility in youth.