Geography: El Salvador, Afghanistan & Rwanda
Founded: 2002
Address:5 East 22nd Street, Suite 9J
New York, NY 10010
About Business Council for Peace (Bpeace)
Business Council for Peace (Bpeace) is a non-profit network of business professionals. They volunteer skills to entrepreneurs in conflict-affected countries to help them create significant employment for all, and expand the economic power of women.
The goal of Bpeace is to create one million jobs across 1,000 communities. Every one of those jobs, entrepreneurs, and communities becomes a beacon of hope. In each community these businesspeople become role models and strong voices for peace.
The jobs that Fast Runners (the entrepreneurs) create have a multiplier effect – those jobs sustain thousands of families, boost local purchasing power, and in turn, strengthen other local businesses. This cycle of employment sets a once troubled community on the path to prosperity and peace. More jobs mean less violence.
What is a Fast Runner?
Fast Runners are remarkable entrepreneurs from conflict-affected countries like Afghanistan, El Salvador and Rwanda. They have been in business for at least a year, employ more than 10 people, and demonstrate the intuitive business sense, and the desire, to aggressively grow their businesses. Most importantly, they share a vision that employment, and the economic empowerment of women, is the bridge to better education, less poverty, improved health, and, ultimately, less violence.