California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ)

Education, Health and Well-Being
California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ)

Geography: United States

Founded: 2004


PO Box 412225
Los Angeles, CA 90041

Advancing a Reproductive Justice Framework

CLRJ recognizes that Latinas’ reproductive health and rights cannot be viewed in isolation.  CLRJ places its policy priorities in a reproductive justice framework, recognizing the intersection with other social, economic and community-based issues that promote the social justice and human rights of Latina women and girls and the Latino/a community as a whole.

In other words, we recognize that Latinas’ access to culturally and linguistically appropriate health care, a living wage job, quality education, freedom from discrimination and violence, among many other issues that affect Latinas’ daily lives, have a profound effect on Latinas’ reproductive and sexual health, as well as their right to self-determination in all aspects of their lives.

Core Strategies

CLRJ advances its mission through targeted, culturally-based strategies, including:

  • Policy Advocacy
  • Alliance-Building
  • Community Education & Mobilization
  • Strategic Communications


Alliance-building is a core value that underscores all aspects of CLRJ’s work, both on the policy level as well as within our communities.  This means we work in collaboration with grass roots activists, community leaders and coalitions, as well as policymakers, policy advocates, and other allies who share our commitment toward promoting the health and justice of our communities.

With reproductive rights and women’s health and rights allies, we bring the Latina voice to the table and promote issues identified as priorities by Latina women, youth and the Latina/o community as a whole.

Within the Latino community -- including Latino civil rights, health access and immigrants’ rights advocacy groups -- we seek to highlight the importance of reproductive justice issues and provide a gender-based perspective.

On the community level, we build alliances with grassroots organizations, social justice and youth activists to promote reproductive justice policy advocacy and locally-based campaigns.

We are also working in collaboration with local, state and national reproductive justice allies to advance a vibrant Reproductive Justice Movement that advances the core needs and values of our respective communities.