Email: contato@coletivoleiladiniz.org
Phone: 55.84.3201.9587
Geography: Brazil
Founded: 2002
Address:Rua Ana Neri, 345 Meeting 3:04 - PetrĂ³polis
CEP: 59020-040 - Natal / RN
About the Coletivo Leila Diniz
The Leila Diniz Collective is a non-governmental organization founded in 2002 in Natal, by a group of nationally recognized leaders that has feminism as a political project of social transformation. Their mission is to help the democratization of state and society by promoting gender equality, with both local and national actions.
Their main objectives are to contribute to describing rights of women in public confrontation, fighting for improved comprehensive care to women's health in the Unified Health System (SUS), popularizing the feminist proposals to combat gender violence, defending individual human rights and an anti-racism policy, promoting sexual and reproductive rights against discrimination on sexual orientation, and focusing on monitoring the services and the social control agencies.