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Geography: Brazil
Founded: 1999
About Elas por Elas na Politica (Women by Women in Politics)
The Vital Voices Network affiliate in Brazil, Elas por Elas na Politica (Women by Women in Politics) was launched in 1999 in São Paulo, Brazil following the Vital Voices of the Americas Conference in Montevideo, Uruguay. Though focused initially on women’s political participation, the chapter has expanded its activities to include advocacy on issues such as violence against women and racial equality. President Cláudia Patricia de Luna Silva is supported by Vice President Maria Aparecida de Laia and Finance Secretary Vera Cristina Golik.
The affiliate has established several key partnerships with local governments and leading organizations, including Union Brasileira das Mulheres, Geledés Instituto da Mulher Negra, the São Paulo State Secretary of Justice, and the Brazilian Breast Cancer Philanthropic Entities Federation (FEMAMA).
In 2009, following the passage of the Maria da Penha Law on Domestic and Family Violence against Women, the chapter organized simulated jury trials that demonstrated the key components of the law, educating women about their newfound legal rights
In 2010, Elas por Elas staged a photo exhibit titled De Peito Aberto, featuring photographs that told the stories of women who have confronted and triumphed against breast cancer