Girls Gotta Run Foundation (GGRF)

Health and Well-Being, Economic Opportunity

Geography: Ethiopia

Founded: 2006


3715 Jocelyn Street NW
Washington, DC 20015

About Girls Gotta Run

The Girls Gotta Run Foundation (GGRF) is an all volunteer charitable organization founded in 2006 to raise money to provide support for impoverished Ethiopian girls who are training to be professional runners. Besides providing funds for running shoes, GGRF also provides money for training clothes, extra food ("calorie money"), coach subsidies, and other training-related expenses.

Girls Gotta Run envisions a world that empowers and invests in the exceptional initiative of young women who are working to establish their place in the world as competitive runners and leaders in their communities, who are finding strength, courage and power in their pursuit of excellence, and who are achieving their fullest potential in running and society.

Through the development of strong partnerships with local and international organizations and with the support of an enormous number of individuals, Girls Gotta Run Foundation has cultivated several successful projects that empower Ethiopian women runners and their communities. In each of the projects that Girls Gotta Run Foundation has co-created and supported, female athletes have been reaching their educational, athletic and individual goals. Additionally, many of the projects have become financially self-sustaining through their involvement with Ethiopian institutions.