Institute for Women’s Policy Research

Education, Health and Well-Being, Economic Opportunity


Phone: 202.785.5100

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Geography: United States

Founded: 1987


1200 18th Street NW, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20036

About the Institute for Women's Policy Research

Founded in 1987, IWPR’s reports and other informational resources have informed policies and programs across the U.S., in each of its key program areas:

  • Employment, Education, & Economic Change - Employment and Job Quality, Economic Status of Women in the States, Pay Equity and Discrimination, Access to Higher Education, Unemployment and the Economy
  • Democracy & Society - The Status of Women and Girls, Immigration and Religion, Women in Unions, Women's Political Participation
  • Poverty, Welfare, & Income Security - Retirement and Social Security, Poverty, Katrina and the Gulf Coast, Welfare Reform
  • Work & Family - Early Care and Education, Family Leave and Paid Sick Days, Workplace Flexibility
  • Health & Safety - Women's access to health insurance, costs and benefits of preventative health services for women, costs of domestic violence