Geography: Brazil
Founded: 1992
Address:Rod D. Pedro I, s/n Km 47. Moinho
Nazaré Paulista, São Paulo
69.053-020 Brasil
About Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPE)
Institute for Ecological Research (IPÊ) develops and disseminates innovative models for biodiversity conservation that promote socioeconomic benefits through science, education and sustainable business. IPÊ’s methodology is based on dialogue, and involves workshops, consulting, and the reciprocal exchange of information to achieve participatory, sustainable development.
The Institute was formally chartered in 1992, and in the intervening 20 years, has developed the IPE Conservation Model, which integrates biological research, environmental education, habitat restoration, community involvement, income generation, and public policy work. The Baixo Rio Negro region exhibits rich biological and social diversity, and already has a local trade network for fruits, manioc flour and fish. Each of these products represents the opportunity for women to play an important role in income generation.
However, trade at this scale doesn’t provide sufficient income to support the population, forcing residents to turn to unsustainable, illegal practices that lead to deforestation. Backed by BrazilFoundation, the project will encourage local farming communities and women's groups that produce fruit jams regional, expanding areas planted and improving the productive systems of planting and processing of products, seeking income generation, food sovereignty and territorial identity.