Email: info@isis-inc.org
Phone: 510.835.9400
Geography: Global
Founded: 2001
Address:409 13th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
The Need
American youth of color and LGBTQ youth and young adults suffer disproportionally from higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, dating violence, and unplanned pregnancies.
These same youth are deeply affected and influenced by all forms of media, living the lives of digital natives.
Did you know...
- 66% of all youth are using social networks, with 80% of youth from lower income households using social networks?
- Online search is the first place young people turn when they have a question about sex?
- Multimedia, multichannel interaction strongly affects the way youth communicate, learn and behave around their sexual health?
In terms of sexual and reproductive health, technology is not an end, but a means to accelerate information provision, widen social networks, and sharpen the questions a young person might ask when they do access health services and products.
Programs that use media with which young people are most familiar - social media and mobile text messaging - provide much anticipated promise for reaching large numbers of youth and young adults, increasing access to medically sound services and products, and increasing responsible decision-making.