Email: krcla@krcla.org
Phone: 323.937.9178
Geography: United States
Founded: 1983
Address:900 Crenshaw Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90019
The Korean Resource Center (KRC, 민족학교) was founded in 1983 to empower Korean American community, low-income immigrant and people of color communities through a holistic model that combines education, social services, and culture with effective community advocacy and organizing.
KRC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
KRC is a founding affiliate of the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), a non-profit (501 c3) organization founded to advance a national progressive Korean American agenda.
KRC's mission includes:
- Preserve and promote the cultural heritage of Korean Americans as part of multicultural America
- Provide needed social and community services to Korean and local community
- Facilitate grassroots organizing and electoral/civic participation of Korean Americans
- Advocate for the civil rights and immigrant rights of Korean Americans
Social Services
- Low Income Tax Clinic
- Legal Services
Health Access
- Public Health Access Clinic
- Public Health Policy
- Language Access
- Community Health Clinic
- Summer Youth Empowerment
- Community Technology Project
Community forums
- "Roots" School for young children
- Housing & Economic Development
Immigrant Rights & Advocacy
- Legalization Campaign
- Civil Liberties and Basic Rights
- Immigrant Access to Benefits
- Civic Participation
- Naturalization Project
- Voter Empowerment Project
- PoongMool (Korean Drumming) Workshop
- Haemaji(New Year's Sunrise Greeting)
- Jishin Balpgi Lunar New Year Street Festival
- Cultural Connection