Geography: Global
Founded: 1979
Address:7421 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036
About Operation USA
Operation USA helps communities alleviate the effects of disasters, disease and endemic poverty throughout the world by providing privately-funded relief, reconstruction and development aid. They provide material and financial assistance to grassroots organizations that promote sustainable development, leadership and capacity building, income generating activities, provide education and health services, and advocate on behalf of vulnerable people.
Among the painful lessons that Operation USA has learned in 30 years in the field is that women and children are disproportionately victimized by natural disasters, warfare, violence and poverty. They are the hardest hit, the least prepared and, invariably, those who experience the greatest difficulties in recovering from disaster and devastating traumas. All too often and in far too many places, women and girls still struggle against relentless inequality and injustice that leaves them marginalized, silent and vulnerable to violence and disease.
Operation USA supports livelihood, education and health programs designed to help women—and their children—pull themselves out of the prisons of gender discrimination, physical brutality and generational poverty.