Sauti Yetu Center for African Women and Families

Education, Health and Well-Being, Law and Justice, Violence Against Women, Economic Opportunity

Geography: United States

Founded: 2004


P.O.Box 3112
New York, NY 10163

About Sauti Yetu

Sauti Yetu's direct services, public education, and policy and advocacy programs promote immigrant girls' safe transition into adulthood, curb violence in the family, and give poor and low income immigrant women access to life skills and leadership opportunities.


At Sauti Yetu, their mission is to mobilize low income or "no income" African immigrant women to improve the quality of their lives, strengthen their families and develop their communities in the United States, starting in New York City.


Sauti Yetu's advocacy work cuts across issues and movements, is shaped by the realities of immigrant African women and girl's lives, and responsive to the constraints and challenges they face. Despite their broad mandate and far-reaching vision of social justice and equality, there are several priority issues Sauti Yeti has chosen to focus on. These are:

  • Violence against women and girls
  • Early forced marriage
  • Reproductive justice
  • Female genital cutting (FGC)
  • Gender and migration
  • Education and schooling
  • Youth and migration