April 22, 2013 | Health and Well-Being, Law and Justice, Violence Against Women
Tweet for Women
New campaign wants to make sure State Department doesn't forget half the world.
When Hillary Clinton led the State Department, she put women’s issues on the U.S. government’s front burner. Now that we have a new Secretary of State, John Kerry, women's organizations want to make sure that focus continues.
That's why Half the Sky Movement has joined with more than 20 groups led by the International Women's Health Coalition in a campaign called 50 Days of Action for Women and Girls. They are calling on women and men across the country to demonstrate mass support for programs worldwide that empower women and improve their health, guarantee their rights and bolster their well-being.
Each week from now until June 21, the campaign will highlight a different theme, for instance "Ensuring Quality Education of Women and Girls." Participants are encouraged to contact U.S. government leaders and policy makers via social media.
For all tweets involving issues that concern women and girls, the campaign has official hashtags - #usa4women and/or #usa4girls. Besides Twitter, there’s a social media toolkit that includes Thunderclap, Twibbons (for #usa4women and #usa4girls), a Google+ hangout and Tweetchat.
Topics on the campaign agenda include ending forced marriage, preventing violence against women and girls, and protecting human rights.
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