Women in the World is a movement dedicated to advancing women and girls through stories and solutions.
The Women in the World Foundation is a powerful initiative dedicated to driving solutions that advance women and girls. The Foundation was born out of Newsweek & The Daily Beast’s annual Women in the World Summit, launched by the publications’ editor-in-chief, Tina Brown, in March 2010. An intimate and impactful gathering centered on vivid storytelling and live journalism, the Summit brings together women from all over the world. From CEOs and world leaders to grassroots activists and firebrand dissidents - each year the Summit brings to light the incredible stories of women and girls, looking at both their challenges and triumphs, and inspiring solutions to women’s issues. This year the Summit was held at Lincoln Center and was attended by over 2,500 women from all over the world.
Building on the success of the Women in the World Summits, the Foundation was launched in Fall 2011 to spotlight solutions and galvanize support for women of impact from around the globe. The Foundation achieves its mission though three key programs:
- Women in the World.org Global Platform: An innovative global online community and platform that maps need and resources, showcasing thousands of organizations working to advance women and girls
- The Women of Impact Series: Celebrating courageous women of impact and awarding strategic grants to their related organizations working on the ground to advance women and girls
- Women in the World Next Generation: Taking the Women in the World Foundation to college campuses, inspiring the next generation of women leaders and connecting them to the wider Women in the World community
Our Supporters
Founding Partners
- Africa Global
- Ford Foundation
- Rockefeller Foundation
Track Partners
- ANN INC. Marvell Technologies
- McGuireWoods LLP
Contact Us
555 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
Allen Nasseri