CommonWell Institute International

Culture and Media, Education, Health and Well-Being, Law and Justice, Politics and Leadership, Economic Opportunity


Phone: 520.548.0209

Visit the Website

Geography: Global

Founded: 2003


34228 North Placita de Sandra
Tucson, AZ 85718

Our Vision

  • Visioning a world in which women are safe and protected; fully empowered through self-determination over their bodies, their health and the well being of themselves and their children.
  • Visioning a world in which women and children have equal access to education and the ability to contribute to all fields of endeavor, including math, science, information systems and technology.
  • Visioning a world in which women’s talents and creative strengths can be manifested into economic viability and security for them and for their children.
  • Visioning a world in which the cultural stories of women and children are told, are valued and honored, and are incorporated into the body of history and literature of both their unique culture and that of the global community.
  • Visioning a world that recognizes the leadership contributions of women, accesses their gifts, and celebrates the nature, scope and value of women’s unique styles across cultures and time.
  • Visioning a world in which men and women join in circle together to create a world which holds the values of respect and peace as the guiding model for the development of our children.