India Volunteer Care (IVC)

Education, Health and Well-Being, Economic Opportunity


Phone: 0413.221.1652

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Geography: India

Founded: 2010


6, 10th Cross, Rainbow Nagar
Puducherry 605 011

India Volunteer Care is located in the state of Tamil Nadu, Southern India. We comprise of a small group of like-minded local people. who aim to identify and place international volunteers where they are most needed: in emerging, small scale, grassroots organizations that lack the necessary means and organisation to attract and accommodate international volunteers, but would benefit greatly from outside assistance and knowledge. There are a multitude of NGOs here that are desperate for voluntary help – whether it is from skilled or unskilled volunteers. From previous experience we know how hard it is for NGOs to attract and care for volunteers from abroad, so IVC was created with the aim for making an avenue through which international volunteers can come and offer their services. These organizations provide a wide range of programmes that address social, economic and health concerns, as well as educational and training schemes.

Official statistics show that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of reported crimes against women in India. Women are more likely to be victimized by someone that they are intimate with, commonly called "Intimate Partner Violence". Reports in the Tamil Nadu state show that the issue is especially prevalent here with recent surveys suggesting an extremely high acceptance (from both men and women) of domestic violence against women after marriage.

The literacy and education level of women in India, while on the rise, remains significantly lower than their male counterparts with boys much more likely to be sent to school and many girls ending-up dropping-out of education  after receiving no support or encouragement to further their studies from their parents.

Most women in rural parts of India have no say or choice over having children, with most of them being unaware of and not having access to safe methods of contraception. While laws have been passed to forbid the identification during pregnancy of the child’s sex, female infanticide is still a prevalent issue in India: the highly masculine sex ratio in India can be, in great part, explained by sex-selective abortions. Girls are often seen as a burden by parents and thus less desirable than boys.