Maasai Girls Education Fund (MGEF)

Education, Health and Well-Being, Economic Opportunity


Phone: 202.237.0535

Visit the Website

Geography: Kenya

Founded: 2001


5800 MacArthur Boulevard, NW
Washington, DC 20016

About the Maasai Girls Education Fund

The Maasai Girls Education Fund (MGEF) was created to improve the literacy, health and economic well-being of Maasai women in Kenya and their families through education of girls and their communities.

MGEF provides scholarships from primary school through university to girls who have never enrolled in school or who would be forced to drop out of school for cultural or economic reasons, and they are committed to each student until they have the knowledge and skills needed to enter the workforce in Kenya.  With economic empowerment, this new generation of Maasai women will end early marriages and circumcision of girls and bring greater literacy, health, and economic well being to future generations.

MGEF also organizes community workshops to address the social customs and cultural beliefs that prevent girls from getting an education.

MGEF works in partnership with the Maasai community, including local area chiefs and women advocates for education of girls, to achieve its mission.