Say NO

Violence Against Women


Phone: 646.781.4522

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Geography: Global

Founded: 2008


220 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017

Based on country data available, between 15 to 76 per cent of women experience physical or sexual violence from men in their lifetime. It happens everywhere – at home and at work, on the streets and in schools, during peacetime and in conflict. Violence against women and girls has far- reaching consequences, harming families and communities, stunting human development, and undermining economic growth. Everyone has a role to play in combating this global pandemic; the time to act together is NOW.

Say NO – UNiTE aims to trigger and highlight actions by individuals, governments and civil society partners. Actions can range from reaching out to students at schools, to volunteering at local shelters, advocating for legislation or donating funds towards programmes that protect women and girls from violence, and more. Every action is counted to symbolize the groundswell of engagement that exists on the issue.

Say NO – UNiTE builds upon the momentum generated during its first phase when 5,066,549 people signed on to a global call to make ending violence against women a top priority worldwide. Heads of States and Ministers from 73 Governments and nearly 700 Parliamentarians have added their names to the action call since then.

Working through traditional as well as online networks and social media, Say NO – UNiTE engages participants from all walks of life. Through online media outreach and a range of webbased tools available on, it supports partners in their advocacy efforts and highlights their work to a global audience to inspire others.

In line with the Secretary-General’s campaign framework that calls for an increase in funding for the multi-lateral UN Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women, Say NO – UNiTE encourages donations for the UN Trust Fund, which supports local and national programmes catalyzing change on the ground.

Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women is an expanding global coalition of individuals, organizations, governments and the private sector to realize a vision that is ambitious, but must never be impossible – a future that is free from violence against women and girls. Let us count you in – take action to end violence against women now.