Women Peacemakers Cambodia

Law and Justice, Violence Against Women

Geography: Cambodia

Founded: 2003


86 Street 77BT
Boeung Tumpon, Phnom Penh

The goal of Women Peacemakers is to empower rural communities and youth to join in efforts to reduce gender-based violence in Cambodia and protect the human rights of women and children.

Since the cultural norms that uphold and encourage the violence against women and children in Cambodia extend to community leaders and authorities appointed to resolve these issues, our work is necessary to change the way communities respond to domestic violence. The strength of this work is that we include all levels of the community, including local authorities, in order to make change.

Women Peacemakers facilitates leadership trainings for women from the communities we serve, so that they can become agents of change in their families and villages. In collaboration with other organizations, we work to stop many issues in our society including human trafficking, child slavery, rape and violence against women. Our education and training are a first step toward ending these problems in Cambodia.