Email: webmaster@womenspolicy.org
Phone: 202.544.2323
Geography: Washington, D.C.
Founded: 1995
Address:409 12th Street, SW,
Suite 310
Wasington, District of Columbia, 20024
About Women's Policy, Inc.
Women's Policy, Inc. (WPI) champions the interests of women throughout the country on the most significant social, economic, and health issues across the public policy spectrum.
WPI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose sole focus is to help ensure that the most informed decisions on key women's issues are made by policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels. Audiences include elected officials, regulators, women's groups, labor groups, academia, the business community, the media, and the general public.
WPI's Work
WPI achieves and shares its rare quality of insight into relevant issues by researching and producing the best available information in the form of
- compelling and unbiased legislative analyses,
- issue summaries,
- impact assessments,
- and educational briefings.
This ensures that policy decisions affecting women and their families have the benefit of input from the most objective sources possible. WPI also releases The Source once a week, a news report that highlights women's Issues in Congress.