Women’s Promise

Politics and Leadership

Geography: Global

Founded: 2011


Ragnvallgatan 32C
256 63 Helsingborg

Women’s Promise mobilizes women to take action and leadership positions in local, national and international affairs, in partnership with men, for the purposes of solving our global challenges.

Operating on a systems-based approach, Women’s Promise understands that deep, lasting and comprehensive change occurs when all the interconnecting parts that make up the foundations of society work together, simultaneously, in a unified whole.

Women’s Promise is a network of professional relationships, linking together, informing and educating women to work across these different sectors of interconnecting activities, institutions and communities in mutual support and ongoing relationships to bring about the changes needed to live safely and successfully in today’s interconnected world.  We provide the tools, resources and a platform so that women can use their skills, talent, knowledge, experience and wisdom to address our critical challenges and to bring about the kinds of changes needs to live in a world that is healthy, balanced and whole.