Humble Design
Humble Design assists families coming out of homeless and abuse shelters with the process of rebuilding their home lives, by turning four bare walls into a safe, dignified, and welcoming home by repurposing gently used household goods. Take Action »
Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPE)
Institute for Ecological Research (IPÊ) develops and disseminates innovative models for biodiversity conservation that promote socioeconomic benefits through science, education and sustainable business. IPÊ’s methodology is based on dialogue, and involves workshops, consulting, and the reciprocal exchange of information to achieve participatory, sustainable development. Take Action »
Ação Moradia
Ação Moradia was founded with the goal of improving the quality of life of at-risk families through the construction of affordable housing. Take Action »
Fundação Brasil Cidadão para a Educação, Cultura, Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente (FBC)
The Brazilian Citizen’s Foundation contributes to local, sustainable development through the conception and implementation of innovative proposals in education, culture, technology, and the environment. Take Action »
Operation USA
Operation USA helps communities alleviate the effects of disasters, disease and endemic poverty throughout the world by providing privately-funded relief, reconstruction and development aid. Take Action »
The Community Center of Saint Lidia
The Community Center of Saint Lidia offers classes around women’s health—including sex education—and access to public health workers who assist the disabled in the community. Take Action »
Solar Sister
Solar Sister eradicates energy poverty by empowering women with economic opportunity. Solar Sister combines the breakthrough potential of solar technology with a deliberately woman-centered direct sales network. Take Action »
A Ban Against Neglect (ABAN)
A Ban Against Neglect is a non-profit in Accra, Ghana working to empower street girls while cleaning up the environment. Take Action »
National Rural Women’s Coalition and Network (NRWC)
The National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC), a collaborative national voice for women living in rural, regional and remote Australia, seeks to ensure better social and economic outcomes for women in rural townships and on farms. Take Action »
Women’s Network for a Sustainable Future (WNSF)
Women’s Network for a Sustainable Future (WNSF), a 501 (c) 3 corporation, is the premier sustainability organization for women in business. WNSF strives to help women leaders move beyond understanding to unlocking sustainability as a strategic advantage. Take Action »
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