Solutions — Politics and Leadership

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition charged by its diverse membership of more than 200 national organizations to promote and protect the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States. Take Action »

South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)

South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)

South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) is a national, nonpartisan, non-profit organization that elevates the voices and perspectives of South Asian individuals and organizations to build a more just and inclusive society in the United States. Take Action »

Centre for Girls & Interaction (CEGI)

Centre for Girls & Interaction (CEGI)

The Centre for Girls & Interaction (CEGI), is a non-profit organization working in the northern region of Malawi, focusing on creating access to information on girls' and young women's rights or related issues through interaction, advocacy, documentation, education, networking for positive change. Take Action »

A-WOW International Girls Leadership Initiative (A-WOW IGLI)

A-WOW International Girls Leadership Initiative (A-WOW IGLI)

A-WOW International Girls Leadership Initiative is the foundation of education, knowledge and innovation for girls aspiring to be leaders of the next generation. Take Action »

Alliance of South Asian American Labor (ASAAL)

Alliance of South Asian American Labor (ASAAL)

ASAAL seeks to fulfill the dream of those South Asian American Laborers who are struggling to establish their voices to be heard, their issues to be discussed, their courage to be recognized and their leadership to be accepted within the existing labor union movement. Take Action »

Boston Women’s Fund (BWF)

Boston Women’s Fund (BWF)

The Boston Women’s Fund (BWF) is a progressive foundation that supports community based organizations and grassroots initiatives run by women and girls in order to create a society based on racial, economic and social justice. Take Action »



Founded in 1980 as The Older Women's League, OWL is a national grassroots membership organization that focuses solely on issues unique to women as they age. OWL strives to improve the status and quality of life for midlife and older women. Take Action »

International Women’s Democracy Center (IWDC)

International Women’s Democracy Center (IWDC)

The International Women’s Democracy Center was established in 1995 to strengthen women’s global leadership through training, education, networking and research with a focus on increasing the participation of women leaders in politics, policy and decision making within their own governments. Take Action »

Elas por Elas na Politica (Women by Women in Politics)

Elas por Elas na Politica (Women by Women in Politics)

Elas por Elas na Politica (Women by Women in Politics), a Vital Voices Network affiliate in Brazil, was launched in 1999 in São Paulo. Though focused initially on women’s political participation, Elas por Elas has expanded its activities to include advocacy on issues such as violence against women and racial equality. Take Action »

International Women’s Rights Project (IWRP)

International Women’s Rights Project (IWRP)

The International Women’s Rights Project (IWRP) was founded in 1998 by Dr. Marilou McPhedran, at the Centre for Feminist Studies,York University, Toronto, to strengthen the capacity of women’s NGOs in Canada and internationally to advocate for women’s human rights. Take Action »

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