As climate change, population growth, and urbanization march forward, women will feel their impact in disproportionate and unforeseen ways. Deeply rooted gender inequality leaves women more vulnerable to natural disasters: when resources are scarce, women are less likely to be able to access the health care, food, or even information they need to survive. A recent report from the nonprofit Plan U.K. and the British Department for International Development found that young women accounted for 80 percent of deaths from the 2004 tsunami in Asia.
Women’s workloads may soar as temperatures rise. In most developing countries, growing food and fetching water is a woman’s job. (In South Africa, women collectively walk 12.8 million kilometers every day to fetch water for their households—that’s the equivalent of walking to the moon and back 16 times per day.) As the world’s clean-water sources slowly decline, women’s quality of life will likely suffer.
Yet women’s hands-on relationship with their environment also means they have the potential to teach us about careful land and resource management. Women have unique insight into growing techniques, healing plants, and adapting to variations in weather and climate. Capitalizing on this know-how benefits everyone.
Humble Design
Humble Design assists families coming out of homeless and abuse shelters with the process of rebuilding their home lives, by turning four bare walls into a safe, dignified, and welcoming home by repurposing gently used household goods. Take Action »
Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPE)
Institute for Ecological Research (IPÊ) develops and disseminates innovative models for biodiversity conservation that promote socioeconomic benefits through science, education and sustainable business. IPÊ’s methodology is based on dialogue, and involves workshops, consulting, and the reciprocal exchange of information to achieve participatory, sustainable development. Take Action »
Ação Moradia
Ação Moradia was founded with the goal of improving the quality of life of at-risk families through the construction of affordable housing. Take Action »
Fundação Brasil Cidadão para a Educação, Cultura, Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente (FBC)
The Brazilian Citizen’s Foundation contributes to local, sustainable development through the conception and implementation of innovative proposals in education, culture, technology, and the environment. Take Action »
Operation USA
Operation USA helps communities alleviate the effects of disasters, disease and endemic poverty throughout the world by providing privately-funded relief, reconstruction and development aid. Take Action »
July 3, 2013
Score One for These Mothers of Invention
April 17, 2013
Making a Home for the Homeless
January 23, 2013
The Bag Lady of Davos