East Meets West Foundation
East Meets West creates sustainable and catalytic solutions to difficult development problems by transforming the health, education and communities of disadvantaged people in Asia with partnerships, opportunities and sustainable solutions. Take Action »
Free The Girls
Free The Girls is a non-profit organization that provides job opportunities to women rescued from sex trafficking. Free The Girls collects used bras and gives jobs to a former victim of human trafficking selling those bras in Africa. Take Action »
Women’s Economic Agenda Project
The Women’s Economic Agenda Project (WEAP) demands economic human rights for poor women and their families. WEAP envisions a world in which all women and their families have the skills, healthcare, shelter, and nourishment they need to enjoy happy, healthy, and productive lives. Take Action »
40 Girls and Some Shoes, Inc.
40 Girls and Some Shoes is a Georgia-based charity outreach program servicing the homeless and impoverished citizens of the City of Atlanta and its surrounding communities. Take Action »
Of Home, Family and Future
Of Home, Family and Future is a non-profit organization formed to offer a different kind of assistance to domestic violence survivors and college-bound foster care youth. Take Action »
Wild West Women Inc.
The primary objectives and purposes of Wild West Women, Inc. are to increase public awareness of women's achievements and their roles in history and to provide positive public images of women and girls. Take Action »
Native Women’s Collective
The Native Women's Collective is a grassroots nonprofit organization that supports the continued growth of Native American arts and culture. Take Action »
National Rural Women’s Coalition and Network (NRWC)
The National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC), a collaborative national voice for women living in rural, regional and remote Australia, seeks to ensure better social and economic outcomes for women in rural townships and on farms. Take Action »
Barcelona Women’s Network (BWN)
The Barcelona Women's Network is a non-profit, non-religious, and non-political social and charitable organization offering support and friendship to both local and international women residing in the greater Barcelona area. Take Action »
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund
The Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund provides small grants for grassroots projects that empower women and girls in developing countries. Take Action »