Black Women Empowered Safe Haven
Black Women Empowered is a non-profit organization that addresses the widespread need of providing transitional to permanent housing for homeless female veterans and their children. Take Action »
F7 Group
F7 Group is dedicated to securing and providing resources, training, support and mentoring to female veterans and women in military service, both in and beside the uniform. Take Action »
Heshima Kenya
After 19 years of regional refugee crisis, Heshima Kenya is the first and only organization in Kenya devoted to identifying, protecting and empowering unaccompanied refugee children and youth living in Nairobi. Take Action »
American Widow Project
The American Widow Project is a network of military widows who support each other and remain connected though the Project's site, film, newsletter, hotline and events. Take Action »
Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS)
The primary mission of Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) is to empower African women to assume a leadership role in building peace. Take Action »
THINK Liberia
THINK exists to demonstrate love and acceptance to the poor in Liberia, especially women and children, by empowering them to transform their lives and communities. THINK envisions a nation with transformed communities where the marginalized and poor are protected, healthy, educated and self-sufficient. Take Action »
The International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence in Conflict
The International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence in Conflict unites organizations and individuals around the world, who work to amplify the voices of survivors and stop rape, into a powerful and coordinated effort for change. Take Action »
Safeworld International Foundation
The Safeworld International Foundation is an independent non-governmental organization which works with grassroots organizations and promotes the rights of women and children. Take Action »
Women’s Refugee Commission
The Women's Refugee Commission advocates for laws, policies and programs to improve the lives and protect the rights of refugee and internally displaced women, children and young people, including those seeking asylum—bringing about lasting, measurable change. Take Action »
CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end U.S. funded wars and occupations, to challenge militarism globally, and to redirect our resources into health care, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities. Take Action »