What is the Average Female Weight?

Are you wondering what the average female weight is and if you lie in the healthy range or not? Well, read this article till the end because here we’ll share some important facts and figures about the average female weight.

average female weight

These days obesity is becoming a major problem all around the world. While our weight and size don’t define us, it is important to keep a check whether our weight lies in the healthy range or not. Knowledge of this is important to minimize the chances of getting any diseases in the future.

So, What is the Average Female Weight?

According to the survey conducted by National Center for Health Statistics in the years 2015, 2016, the average weight of adult American women aged 20 and older is 170.6 pounds (which is around 77 kg), with a height of around 5 feet, 4 inches. Furthermore, the average waist circumference is 38.6 inches, and the BMI is 29.2, which is not considered healthy. If we take a look at the average female weight around the world, then Madagascar stands at 48.7 kg, Vietnam 50.8 kg, Germany 67.5 kg, India 55.0 kg, and Australia 70 kg.

Average Female Weight in America by Age
Age Group Average Weight
20–39 167.6 pounds
40–59 176.4 pounds
60 and up 166.5 pounds

Your weighing scale is probably not the best indicator to determine whether you are overweight or obese. Other factors such as Body Mass Index (BMI) could give a clearer picture of that.

How to Calculate BMI?

The BMI is used to evaluate whether or not a person, male or female, fits within a broad range of weight which is regarded to be healthy, and if not, then to what degree they fall beyond those parameters.

You can calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) with the formula given below, where kg is an individual’s weight in kilograms and m is the height which is squared.

BMI= (kg/m x m) x 703

If you are not willing to work that out yourself then you can find it out online. There are many online calculators available as well that can help you find your accurate BMI.

Here is a look at the BMI ranges, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:

Underweight Less than 18.5
Normal weight 18.5–24.9
Overweight 25–29.9
Obesity 30 or more

Some Basic Weight Management Tips

Incorporate the following things in your routine to manage your weight and achieve a healthy lifestyle.

1. Exercise more

According to studies, those who engage in a lot of physical exercises are more likely to reduce weight than those who don’t. Set exercise goals and strive for at least 200-300 minutes of activity each week.

2. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for general health and may aid in the prevention of hunger sensations. People might often confuse thirst with snack cravings and eat a snack when a glass of water would suffice. Drink lots of water or other low-calorie, sugar-free liquids.

3. Eat whole foods

In addition to being less healthy than freshly prepared foods, processed foods are frequently high in calories in the form of sugar and fat. Eliminating all processed meals is an excellent approach to lower calorie consumption. Concentrate on a healthy eating pattern consisting of complete, unprocessed foods that are high in produce and fiber, high in lean protein sources, and low in fat.


Obesity and weight issues are serious problems all over the world. Knowing the average female weight will help you figure out what weight is healthy or optimal for you. Remember that you may be healthy at any size if you prioritize healthy lifestyle elements like eating a well-balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense whole foods and exercising regularly.

We hope you found this article about Average Female weight informative. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.

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